Plung and Lung / Analysis

By DreadMaster24
10/10/2011 - 03:38:29

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You are on a Plane Ride to meet your Pen Pals for the first time. You have no idea what to expect!
Win message:
So they are Ghosts.....To bad the Ghostbusters ended at movie 2.......
Lose message:
Dum-Dum-Dum YOU LOSE!!
ACT 1 :   Plane Trip
I am on a plane trip to finally meet my distant cousins!
ACT 2 :   Its Them!
I finally going to meet them!
ACT 3 :   Wow a telescope!
Hey Cool!
ACT 4 :   A Metorite!
Run Away!!!
ACT 5 :   They Died!
What just happened?
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