Defend the Hawhmburgar!! / Analysis

By Blaisersamzers
09/10/2011 - 15:30:28

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Quickly! U and your army of survivors must defend this hawhmbugar from that level 10 sentry!!!
Win message:
:D the hawhmbugar is safe! Victory!!!
Lose message:
Oh noes! The hawhmbugar! Its eaten!!! You failed!
ACT 1 :   The Level 10 sentry
Oh my gowsh! Its the very first level 10 sentry!
ACT 2 :   Defend the hawhmbugar!!!
Its the level 10 sentry!!!! Run!!!
ACT 3 :   More Engis!
Even more engis with more sentrys have came!
ACT 4 :   Fat people!
Fat people have come to eat our meat!
ACT 5 :   Pokemon!
Ok, what the heck? How did the portal to Pokemon open up just over here?
ACT 6 :   Grox!
Its a Grox ambush! And the engis found a new sentry! Rocket Sentry!
ACT 7 :   "'Ghost"'!
Now "'Ghost"' has came to take our food!But this looks like the last of the attackers. Just hold all of them off! Your cammander, Garrett has arived.
ACT 8 :   The Intalegance
The only possible way to stop them all is to capture there intalegance! Quick get over there befor, oh... cheat. (Explosion sound)
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