Genesis Lab / Analysis

By K_dragoness
08/25/2011 - 20:18:04

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've heard of Mr. Genesis and his work and you are here to make a pet from scratch, so you won't feel lonely in your ship.
Win message:
Success! It looks like you have a pet and you won't feel lonely on your ship any more! And you created a creature from scratch! Good job!
Lose message:
Too bad! It looks like you'll never get a pet to keep you company in your ship!
ACT 1 :   The Deal
You better go find Mr. Genesis and talk with him, so you can get your pet.
ACT 2 :   Pay Up!
You better get your money to pay him, or else no pet for you!
ACT 3 :   Okay!
Okay! Now you've payed him the money, now ask and see if you can create now!
ACT 4 :   Create: Body, Head, Tail
Okay let's put the body, head, and tail in first!
ACT 5 :   Create: Arms, Legs, Paint
Okay, now we've got the body, head and tail! Now let's put in the arms, legs, and paint!
ACT 6 :   Ta-Da!
You did it! You created a pet for you! Now you won't feel lonely on your ship anymore! Wait a minute... it's not doing anything! You better talk with Mr. Genesis to see what the deal is!
ACT 7 :   Staff of Genesis?
Find the Staff of Genesis, if it exists, and bring your pet to life!
ACT 8 :   Success!
You did it! You created a pet and broutght it to life! Oh, and kill Mr. Genesis for his behavior!
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