Desert Trouble / Analysis

By greeny693
07/29/2011 - 19:55:13

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Talk to the leader of the Sandpeople
Win message:
The acients may now rest in peace
Lose message:
Now the acient statues walk aimlessly and may not rest untill the staff is saved
ACT 1 :   Head into town
and talk to the head of Sand people
ACT 2 :   Talk to the adventures
tell them about the Sand people terms
ACT 3 :   Back to the sand people
talk to the leader and assure him everything is ok
ACT 4 :   Talk to the alive statue
and discover what the problem is
ACT 5 :   Back to the sandman
Ask where this Staff of life could be
ACT 6 :   Ask around
ask everyone you can find about clues to who stole the staff
Well i think you kno who stole the staff, quickly talk to the leader
ACT 8 :   Take the Staff of life
Quickly retreve the staff of life and bring it to the Statue
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