Shotgun Diplomacy / Analysis

By Slyth33
07/25/2011 - 00:32:23

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Both empires say this planet is rightfully theirs, sort out the mess and "'solve"' the problem!
Win message:
Excellent job captain! You've averted a crisis. Although, there is that little matter of unauthorized sabotage. Hope you like filing reports!
Lose message:
You died! Don't pick fights you can't win captain!
ACT 1 :   Trade dispute
Speak to the federation peacekeeper for your briefing
ACT 2 :   An Icy Welcome
Speak to the Purali CEO and the highest ranking Dorian you can find.
ACT 3 :   Problem Solver
Disable the Dorain climate control device or destroy the Purali generator system.
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