The Sands of Time / Analysis

By LuddeII
07/19/2011 - 20:20:38

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have arrived at the archaeologists camp outside these ruins or whatever. As told in your mission report, your job is to clear the tunnels below the ruins of some aggressive creatures.
Win message:
I chased a powerful Brotherhood through time and space and stopped them form becoming immortal, but all Mec´Dor think I did was to kill some slugs. But I am glad to be alive, after all.
Lose message:
Yet another soul wandering the deserts, lost in time. That is if you do not want to try again?
ACT 1 :   Misson briefing
As told in your mission report, this is the old ruins of Khrek´ta, and that archaeology professor encountered a problem when digging, and wants your help. Better go talk to him.
ACT 2 :   Cleaning the tunnels
Time for some pest killing! Just kill these slugs and you´ll have a nice reward and some cash to bring home.
ACT 3 :   Unexpected visit
Time to return to camp after a work well done.
ACT 4 :   Back in time
What happened? Where am I? The ruins are no longer ruins, they are a grand fortress, and some kind of battle seems to be fought here. I better find out what´s going on.
ACT 5 :   The Brotherhood
There they are! The hoodes figures who stole the artifacts! I really wonder what in the name of Spode they are doing?
ACT 6 :   Bring the ceiling down!
I must stop them! But how?I wonder what happens if I destroy the pillars holding the cave ceiling up? Didn´t I see something explovesive in the storerooms?
ACT 7 :   A cruched bunch of Brothers
The cave ceiling has fallen in and crushed the ritual. Bad thing the leader seems to have survived.
ACT 8 :   Back to the future
I should probably step into the portal the leader went into, it might be my only chance to get back to my own time.
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