Foreign Planets - Jevlar / Analysis

By BoBar
07/19/2011 - 13:10:16

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have recieved an invitation to a sneak peek of a new episode of Foreign Planets with Oof! Are you ready for your tour?
Win message:
Did you like your sneak peek of Jevlar? Stick around, there are new Foreign Planets with Oof episodes coming soon!
Lose message:
You have tragically died during your exclusive tour.
ACT 1 :   Jevlar, the Island Planet
Welcome to Jevlar, the Island Planet! Talk to Oof, the host of Foreign Planets with Oof, to begin the tour!
ACT 2 :   Around the Island
Explore this island and learn about it. Talk to Golgan, the Gorgonox Biologist, Witten, the Worm Ecologist, and Yotta, the Yurgisho Scientist.
ACT 3 :   Underwater
Talk with Oof for the next part of your tour!
ACT 4 :   The Jevloon Memorial Center
Explore more of Violta by going to the Jevloon Memorial Center. Go to the gift shop and talk to Wormilton first.
ACT 5 :   Going Under
Take a hatch down under the water, where you will get a look at some of the underwater creatures.
ACT 6 :   Breaking News!
Talk to Ronnordi for some breaking news!
ACT 7 :   It Came From the Sky
Find out what the breaking news is by entering the door!
ACT 8 :   Conclusion
You are almost done with your tour! Talk with Oof again to conclude.
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