Killing Floor (hard) / Analysis

By GeckoBoy123
07/13/2011 - 05:41:45

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome!!! get ready, because this wont be easy. youve been sent in to rid the airport of these creatures, or ZEDs, but you find its them who will rid you! better find the keys to the trader!
Win message:
Your Team survived!!!
Lose message:
you have been wiped out...
ACT 1 :   Wave 1/7
Watch out, here they come! New ZEDs:Clots, Gorefasts, and Bloatsthere strong and your allies can die (and dont respawn) so kill them and keep moving!!!
ACT 2 :   Wave 2/7
Here come the crawlers! These guys can get everywhere... dont try camping, they'll find you! New ZED: Crawler.
ACT 3 :   Wave 3/7
Watch out for the stalkers! there fast and do alot of damage, so you dont want to get caught by them! New ZED: Stalker.
ACT 4 :   Wave 4/7
Gorefasts can stun you so watch out! they are fast (as the name implies) and so moderate damage. the waves are the same.
ACT 5 :   Wave 5/7
SCRAKE!!! this guy is seriously mean. he does massive damage and is fast. did we mention he has a chainsaw on one hand?!? new ZED: Scrake
ACT 6 :   Wave 6/7
WHAT IS THAT!?! That, is a FleshPound. Massive damage, extreme speed, lots of health. taking him down alone is gonna be hard. save your buddies! New ZED: FleshPound
ACT 7 :   Wave 7/7
Final Wave!!! nothing new here, buts as soon as it ends you better find the keys to the trader to health up and power up!!!
ACT 8 :   Wave 8/7
Meet, the Patriarch! One big mean mother hubbard! taking him downs gonna be really hard!!! he can heal (+2 health/sec) and does a lot of damage! plus, you have to contend with the other ZEDs.
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