Enter if you dare / Analysis

By Defbychoco
04/18/2011 - 17:40:08

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the Terrifying World of One-Eye Mc-Sly, the most sly creature we could find in a dog pound of a small village somewhere in Siberia...or was it Mongolia...
Win message:
You have finished the Adventure!Big whoop...
Lose message:
Try again if you like but that guy is one sly son of a... AH! Mum what are you doing there!
ACT 1 :   One-Eye Mc-Sly
Meet One-Eye Mc-Sly and except his challenge
ACT 2 :   Vultures?
Pass the Gates but beware of the beasts
ACT 3 :   The BOMB!
Oh the Fiend!Destroy the detonator to stop the bomb going off
ACT 4 :   Oh it's not a bomb
Defeat One-Eye's Brother
ACT 5 :   The Final Stand of Mc-Sly
kill Mc-Sly and stop the explosives from detonating
ACT 6 :   Jump For Freedom
Weird ending
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