Village Despair / Analysis

By SweetDeath2
03/14/2011 - 18:08:15
Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.68 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You arrive at your vacation home, it's raining much more than usual, and see a road ahead, might as well investigate.
You arrive at your vacation home, it's raining much more than usual, and see a road ahead, might as well investigate.
Win message:
Hurray! You killed the dragon!
Hurray! You killed the dragon!
Lose message:
Oh no! Something bad happened! In the end, the dragon destroyed the entire village, and raised its' young to become new dragons.
Oh no! Something bad happened! In the end, the dragon destroyed the entire village, and raised its' young to become new dragons.
ACT 1 : The Village
You arrive at your vacation home to see something that wasn't there...
You arrive at your vacation home to see something that wasn't there...
ACT 2 : The Rainstick
Obtain a weapon and the Rainstick.
Obtain a weapon and the Rainstick.
ACT 3 : Fruit
Locate the village a second source of fruit.
Locate the village a second source of fruit.
ACT 4 : Cave of Despair
Locate and enter the cave of despair.
Locate and enter the cave of despair.
ACT 5 : The Dragon
Cliche dragon slaying FTW!
Cliche dragon slaying FTW!
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