Spore dinosaurs ep2 pt4 / Analysis

By nallekoira
03/02/2011 - 15:32:44

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
location: Russia 105,000,000 years agodino: Caudiopteryxperioid: mid Cretaceuousweather: warm and wet
Win message:
Continue... Thanks for playing !
Lose message:
OMG ! Better luck in next time =(
ACT 1 :   hunting
Kill 3 small lizards, they shoud full your stomach =)
ACT 2 :   dino fight
Oh, no ! There is Acrocantosaurus, giantic beast stuck in the forest it seems it have followed two Edmontonias and now few raptors are attacking to they, watch fight (raptor should be dead !)
ACT 3 :   territory fight
nother Caudiopteryx male had come your territory, go check !
ACT 4 :   explore
explore free !
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