TMSC- Haloman8 / Analysis
By william98
03/02/2011 - 03:14:32
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Just here holding off until darkspore.... We can make it! Just 26 days.. But who's counting?
Just here holding off until darkspore.... We can make it! Just 26 days.. But who's counting?
Win message:
Thank you for visiting, come again!
Thank you for visiting, come again!
Lose message:
How did you lose?
How did you lose?
ACT 1 : Welcome!
ACT 2 :
Checkout Haloman8's creations! when you are ready, go out the same way you came in.
Checkout Haloman8's creations! when you are ready, go out the same way you came in.
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