The Beast / Analysis

By jatyky9805
02/27/2011 - 14:32:49

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: -3 (Bad)

Basic info
Intro message:
You beam down into a camp, good luck, you'll need it...
Win message:
Well Done, You have killed the flesh devouring beast, I am impressed... PLEASE COMMENT!!!!
Lose message:
Well lets just say you were brutally murdered and riped to shreds by the beast, your guts and blood were stanned everywhere showing a clear reminder to trespassers.... But any way Try Again!
ACT 1 :   Lil'ol Camp
You have beamed down on a extreamly old cap that pioneers must just have built, talk to the chief and see if there's any easy jobs to do.
ACT 2 :   Fruit and Fish
Go find some fruit and fish!
ACT 3 :   Back to the village!
Go back to the village.
ACT 4 :   Where is every one?
Where is every one, go find the chief.
ACT 5 :   Fleash devouring beast?
Hmm... never have you heard of this specimen, it would be a good idea to go read a book about it.
ACT 6 :   The Cave of the Ancients.
The chief mentioned some thing about weapons,go to the cave enterance and get a weapon or two.
ACT 7 :   To Best the Beast!
Time to face the monster go into the cave and kill the Beast!!! Make sure there is nothing left of his foresaken body!!!
ACT 8 :   It is Finally over!
With the beast slayed the quest is over, head back to the village and tell the chief that it is all over with...
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