Robots vs Robots / Analysis

By SuperMaltese
02/18/2011 - 14:56:18

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -0.08 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Captain! We have received a distress call from the Robot Colony of Abaraccu 5. Please assist in anyway that you.... Oh good, you're already there. Nevermind.
Win message:
Well done, Captain. Your leadership skills are a sight to behold.
Lose message:
You Fail. Try again if you have the guts.
ACT 1 :   They're coming!
The robots are coming! Get ready to fight!
ACT 2 :   Flight of the Dragons
Use grenades and all your strength to take out those filthy machines.
ACT 3 :   Victory!
Robots were no match for you, now time to leave.
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