Sqrow Calculator / Analysis
By Quinzal
02/16/2011 - 21:39:12
Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
In this quick adventure, you'll see how to make a simple calculator. Feel free to explore the foggy area to see how this was done.
In this quick adventure, you'll see how to make a simple calculator. Feel free to explore the foggy area to see how this was done.
Win message:
4+3=7! The system can even be extended to count to higher numbers with some time and effort.
4+3=7! The system can even be extended to count to higher numbers with some time and effort.
Lose message:
4+3=? What Will You Do
4+3=? What Will You Do
ACT 1 : Add up!
Give numbers to the "'left hand side"' and the "'right hand side"' Sqrow, and wait for the answer.
Give numbers to the "'left hand side"' and the "'right hand side"' Sqrow, and wait for the answer.
ACT 2 : Sum it up!
Here comes the answer!
Here comes the answer!
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