Defection or Patriotism / Analysis

By Sybbyl
02/11/2011 - 23:32:24

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Here you are, an enormous life decidion ahead of you. But before you decide, you must first learn more.
Win message:
Play either 2a or 2b depending on your choice.
Lose message:
How did you manage to lose???
ACT 1 :   Defection!
Here is the Rebel Camp, I wondre if I should defect?
ACT 2 :   History
Hmm... I should do as the general says... I wonder what is in the museum.
ACT 3 :   Return
I have made up my mind I'm going to defect/stay from/in the army!
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