Tresure hunt / Analysis

By prowox010
02/10/2011 - 06:16:34

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Paradise island!
Win message:
Oh my god! This whole trip was a big FAILURE! I hope that Ohus at least gives you a paradise pass so you can go and gamble your missery away.
Lose message:
Oh my god! You failed! Looks like the tresure will be lost and forgotten forever. But if you really want the tresure, try again!
ACT 1 :   Ohus the pirate
Welcome to Paradise island, the green paradise in the middle of the ocean! Let's go and see that old pirate guy so you can start the tresure hunt.
ACT 2 :   The first clue
There are five clues all around the island... Hmm... Read the first clue and try to figure it out! In any case, you can ask the locals and tourist for advice. They may know something useful.
ACT 3 :   The second clue
Five flowers? There must be some in the island. Start the exploring! And if you get a blackout, ask for advice.
ACT 4 :   The second clue
Yeah! Now you got the flowers! There's now only one problem: Where's the sacred tree? Maybe some villagers knows...
ACT 5 :   The second clue
Good going! All the flowers are where they belong and the clue have been found. Read it so you can continue on this quest.
ACT 6 :   The third clue
You solved the puzzle with the statues! Looks like the way to the clue is wide open for now!
ACT 7 :   The fourth clue
Back to the starting point... Got it! Go back to Ohus house. It must be there! The tresure is allmost yours!
ACT 8 :   The last clue
Ohus told you to go to the place where you came to this island. But there was no clue there when you landed. Better check it out anyway. Hope it's there...
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