Strange incidents / Analysis

By Mondbaer
01/15/2011 - 10:50:04

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You are asleep and darkness surrounds you.Suddenly you find yourself again in a room with pictures. Note: read the descriptions of every chapter, they contain clues.
Win message:
Well, you've made your escape, unfortunately, the rest of the crew was not so lucky and drowned. To be continued ....
Lose message:
Sadly you could not make it to uncover the secret of your dreams and act accordingly.
ACT 1 :   Nightmare
What is the meaning of this?? These voices...What the...? I should have a look around...
ACT 2 :   Didn`t sleep well???

ACT 3 :   go away you nightmares!
Besorg dir Schnirgelkraut am Meeresgrund.
ACT 4 :   Go to sleep.
Talk to the scientist and follow his instructions.
ACT 5 :   The Nighmares return....
Have a look arond and then get out of here!
ACT 6 :   Awakening
The statue said we destroied its civilisation!
ACT 7 :   Strange words
The guard dropped something, let`s see what it says...
ACT 8 :   The escape
Escape from the underwaterstation!
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