Come Back from Extinction / Analysis

By SuperMaltese
01/08/2011 - 19:53:12

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Save the Noctis Margon
Win message:
Succes! You saved the Noctis Magon
Lose message:
You failed! Was the desert too hot for you?
ACT 1 :   Shoked Planet
Welcome to planet Kurj. Dr.Angula is gonna talk to you about some thing that had shoked the planet!
ACT 2 :   The Native Priest
Talk to the native priest and he will reveal a schoking secret!
ACT 3 :   Egg hunting
Examine the the Noctis magon bodies and their eggs and then collect all the eggs
ACT 4 :   Needs
Find some wood and flaming crystals to help build a cage for the noctis magon babies
ACT 5 :   

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