Catching a big fishie (Quacto) / Analysis

By Skeletontail
12/31/2010 - 15:58:08

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Hold your breath now for a long time. You are underwater with the Quacto.
Win message:
The Quacto are on step closer to victory thanks to you. They studied the big fishie and found out a lot of interisting stuff about them. It's a secret what they found.
Lose message:
The Quacto are one step further away to victory thanks to you. Try again!
ACT 1 :   Welcome
Hope you brought some extra oxigen with you, because this adventure takes place underwater (if you haven't noticed already :P)! The Quacto war has been going on for many years.
ACT 2 :   Watch Tower
Now go to the Watch Tower. There should a small group of Quacto tell you whit what they need help with.
ACT 3 :   Zifyro
Now you need to find a big fishie and a way to lure that big fishie into the cage! Good luck and use your brains. Hint: Follow the arrows to find the big fishie.
ACT 4 :   The Chase
Run away fast! He is chasing you because you stole his bone. Get to the cage fast!
ACT 5 :   The Capture
You captured him. Look at him. Soon he will be studied. Capturing him was one step closer to victory!
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