The terrible day / Analysis

By Josephpanag
12/26/2010 - 11:49:03

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.34 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
One day you woke up in a planet of lava.You must leave.Ask for directions
Win message:
That was an terrible day but you pass it easy
Lose message:
You could try an other time, Oh what a nightmare!!!
ACT 1 :   Where am I ?
One day you woke up in a planet of lava.You must leave.Ask for directions
ACT 2 :   What's now ?
Ask the skeleton he maybe help you
ACT 3 :   You hear a voice
It's appear that the lamp is whispering you something why don't you try to hear it?
ACT 4 :   What on that rock
Something is writed on the rock
ACT 5 :   Hey ...me?
The dragon want to tell you something
ACT 6 :   The vehicle
The vehicle you choose gets you at your ship controler .You can call the ship now
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