The Interlopers / Analysis

By huntmaster98
12/12/2010 - 05:48:35

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
looks like everyone is ready to go... see Auria'Falo for briefing
Win message:
This time you are ready for teleportation...
Lose message:
the galaxy is doomed
ACT 1 :   Briefing
you have entered the SF-12A, and are entering the planets atmosphere. get filled in on the mission by Auria'Falo. Also, get to know your new Team
ACT 2 :   Go Go Go!
Time for drop!
ACT 3 :   So it Begins....
kill them! Kill them ALL!!!
ACT 4 :   Wave 2
More of them! Keep it up!!!
ACT 5 :   the final Wave
Reinforcements!!! and more of them! WHOA, those are big
ACT 6 :   Victory!
looks like they've given up! Time to check out the portal
ACT 7 :   Extraction
time to go... get to the extraction beacon
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