Island Wolves part 5 / Analysis

By tomjerry6000
10/20/2010 - 23:19:08

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You awake to the sound of Winterbreeze calling you.
Win message:
You go back to camp with plenty of fresh kill.
Lose message:
You faint.
ACT 1 :   Wakeup Call
Well, your wakeup call just came.
ACT 2 :   Breakfast!
Breakfast! Time to get yourself a good piece of fresh kill.
ACT 3 :   Talk.
WinterBreeze wants to talk.
ACT 4 :   Follow.
You scarf down the rest of your squirrel and follow.
ACT 5 :   Hunt!
Time to hunt!
ACT 6 :   Hunt!
ACT 7 :   Back.
Bring back your kill.
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