Knit UX - 7 FL 2 / Analysis

By UnitX19
10/20/2010 - 00:18:56

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
UX has to find out more about the portals and where to find where the Hienza are hiding the Master Computer's Mainframe Parts to restore peace in the labs.TIP: Look carefully in foggy areas!
Win message:
First part collected, only 3 more to go!(Continued in Knit UX - 7 FL 3)
Lose message:
Looks like the Hienza got you... Becareful; their Hive is full of booby-traps!And please give UX another chance! His story can't end here!*PLEASE notify me of any issues!*
ACT 1 :   Where are the "'Mainframes"'?
Ask Proto for info on where to locate the Mainframe pieces to keep the bots on Floor 1 and 2 from attacking...
ACT 2 :   Dark Realm
Becareful... the Hienza live in an alternate dimension similar to yours... only with a sinister twist... and lots of traps...
ACT 3 :   Dr Kreep
Use the Spy Glass in the Options menu to discover a weakness to Doctor Kreep if you need help!
Count Down In:
ACT 5 :   Burning in Pain...
Poor Dr Kreep...
ACT 6 :   The part!

ACT 7 :   Give Proto The Part!
Return it to Proto to restore order to Floors 1&<>"'2
ACT 8 :   On to Floor 3!
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