Accidental arival / Analysis
By MiniMe1
10/19/2010 - 22:04:57
Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
What tha? What am i doing on this rock it looks abandoned. What happend hear?
What tha? What am i doing on this rock it looks abandoned. What happend hear?
Win message:
You made it now be HAPPY NOW!!!!
You made it now be HAPPY NOW!!!!
Lose message:
YoU LoSt PlAy AgAiN...
YoU LoSt PlAy AgAiN...
ACT 1 :
A terminal lets check in out.A teleporter where does it go?
A terminal lets check in out.A teleporter where does it go?
ACT 2 :
ACT 3 :
HINT: Explore the abandond buildings.
HINT: Explore the abandond buildings.
ACT 4 :
These things are bigger than the others....
These things are bigger than the others....
ACT 5 :
Now to almost finnish this once and for all. Most likly after i kill this one a hord of a bunch of normal sized creatures are going to chase me.
Now to almost finnish this once and for all. Most likly after i kill this one a hord of a bunch of normal sized creatures are going to chase me.
ACT 6 :
What are the odds of that now RUN!!
What are the odds of that now RUN!!
ACT 7 :
ACT 8 :
im just messing around now heres the end...
im just messing around now heres the end...
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