Bioshock (Part 3)-Survivor / Analysis

By Dark_Heroics
10/17/2010 - 19:43:24

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.15 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
This is your final destintation. Mens Institute for the Mentally Unstable. Your boss and daughter await your arrival.
Win message:
Betrayal and lies have struck you down. But perhaps you can find a way to save yourself and those you care for.
Lose message:
It seems the dystopia under the sea has gotten the better of you. See you floating around little fish.
ACT 1 :   Gifts
Tennebaum wants to speak to you over the radio.
ACT 2 :   To Escape
Find your way to the elevator that leads to Kite's office.
ACT 3 :   Distortion
Search Himes' office for his safe, and splice into Ryan's genes.
ACT 4 :   Truth or Dare
With Ryan's genes and yours mixed together, you can head to Kite's office. Listen to the audio diary in the elevator room. There's a note on it saying it's for you.
ACT 5 :   End of a Partnership
The bathysphere is ready. Leave when you are.
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