The War of the Arcane, Chapter 2 / Analysis

By Zamorakdf
10/04/2010 - 22:57:28

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have chosen to work in the name of Shadius Ari, do his tasks and gain his trust. You can lead them to victory!
Win message:
Congratulations, you've gained the trust of Shadius, and the ability to enter the inner keep and city of Shadius.
Lose message:
You failed.
ACT 1 :   The dark side... Yay, cookies!
Now that you've joined up with Shadius, you should speak with him for your first mission.
ACT 2 :   I only wanted friends!
Kill the diplomat and his guards on their way to the keep.
ACT 3 :   Reporting for duty!
Report back to Shadius Ari.
ACT 4 :   Second mission!
Go in the cave, and destroy any obstacles you find.
ACT 5 :   Blast!
Guards! And the generator is protected by a force field! Do something!
ACT 6 :   Generator shmenerator!
Destroy the generator!
ACT 7 :   Report back to da big boss.
Report back to Shadius.
ACT 8 :   Invaders!
Fight off the invading force, quick!
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