Operation- Stormfront / Analysis

By blaster97337
09/19/2010 - 06:42:43

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.32 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
A small fleet of ships has been sent to the Altarian galaxy to investigate the conloys that were lost contact with almost a year ago.
Win message:
So it was the Zaretains that casued all this destruction... this can have been nothing but a diliberate act of large scale agression...
Lose message:
lets just hope one of the other investigaters finds something you missed...
ACT 1 :   
From the scans you've seen there is very little left of this once great city... your job is to figure out what happend to it.
ACT 2 :   
a clue... any clue... something that might say what happened to the people... but where to find a clue...
ACT 3 :   
a hologram appeared above the projector... but it dosnt seem to be saying anything... maybe the sound is off...
ACT 4 :   
The hologram seems to have paused... the EMP must have damaged it slightly... it shouldn't be to hard to get it going again though.
ACT 5 :   Investigation leader Arata
Investigation leader Arata will definatly want to hear of this discovery
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