Dragon Quest / Analysis

By BaileyJcarpenter
09/11/2010 - 15:26:35

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've come to this planet on a mission to find an idol that was stolen from the ruins. You land next to a play of some sorts.
Win message:
Good job!!! You found the idol, brought it back to the alter, and killed a dragon!!!!!
Lose message:
Don't giveup now!!! The idol has to be brought back to the alter!!!!!
ACT 1 :   Dragon??
You learn that theres a myth and you want to learn more.
ACT 2 :   The rest of the story!
After catching his breath Captain Sunny tells you more of the story.
ACT 3 :   History repeats itself...
You see the guy you talked to when you first came running for town screaming!!!!
ACT 4 :   Dragon attack!!!!
Just like the first time, the dragon sneaked up on you!!!!
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