A day in the life of a tribe / Analysis

By Zamorakdf
09/08/2010 - 12:56:23

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
ACT 1 :   I can't beam up!
Something in the planets gravity is blocking you from beaming up, you had best find help, as quick as possible.
ACT 2 :   Make friends? Not possible!
Maybe I can make friends with the tribe's chieftain.
ACT 3 :   I'm a great conversationalist!
Talk to the chieftain.
ACT 4 :   I am a detective!
Investigate the other tribe.
ACT 5 :   Gee, nice manners.
I have a feeling about that staff...
ACT 6 :   Talk all night long
Talk to the chieftain.
ACT 7 :   Incoming!
Looks like the Denestez aren't too happy about losing their staff.
ACT 8 :   Leave when you're ready.
Your crew found you, and they're ready to beam you up! Hit the beam up button the finish!
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