adventures in cival war part two / Analysis

By Caveymixel
09/03/2010 - 16:06:38

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
welcome back. welcome to war!
Win message:
victory! but what did the bounty hunter say?
Lose message:
death is on this planet... try again and conquer!
ACT 1 :   return
the spikey and bumpy rondims are treading blows... will we?
ACT 2 :   battle
we will.assainate the foes!
ACT 3 :   news
recalled again! now what?
ACT 4 :   quest
time to find out if it is the elite grox mark 2
ACT 5 :   ending
wait... he is trying to say something!
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