T-Rex Life-Adulthood / Analysis

By CrazyAdam1
08/29/2010 - 11:58:15

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've matured to Adulthood and are now a fully grown T-Rex. The King of the lands!
Win message:
Looks like you've survived most of your life, but it looks like there's meteors getting closer...
Lose message:
You were killed by Triceratops? What kind of T-Rex are you?
ACT 1 :   I am T-Rex
You need to get food for you and your mate. She's already laid some eggs. This usually means it's time for you to leave the nest.
ACT 2 :   Time to spread my wings
Looks like it's time to start another journey.
ACT 3 :   Journey
Go find a cave or something to live in.
ACT 4 :   Stupid neighbors...
How convenient! There's a Triceratops nest RIGHT NEXT TO YOUR NEST!!!! KILL THEM!!!!
ACT 5 :   Home Sweet Home
Return to your nest.
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