Quest for the Pancake of Destiny / Analysis

By walrusface
08/28/2010 - 23:10:41

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Where did that Tech Pad come from?
Win message:
W-Why are you dancing? You just lost out on the treasure, made a new enemy, and wasted a whole night! I'd be crying.
Lose message:
Would you like to save? Yes NoContinue playing? Yes No
ACT 1 :   Pancake of Destiny
Hey, look! Koob! Why don't you try talking to one or something?
ACT 2 :   Doria Field
For future reference, you actually do have magic powers. Seriously. You do.
ACT 3 :   Adventure in Pointlessness
So, a jungle, huh? That always ends well. Actually, I think it does.. Anyway, on with the quest! I bet you could use some magic on those rocks. Just saying.
ACT 4 :   LOL, Forest Temple!
Spoiler: There's a door all the way to your left. It has blue gems in it. Think about it. Also, the door needs a key.
ACT 5 :   At Long Last...
Go on, get those Pacakes. Do it. Come on.
ACT 6 :   It's a Trap!
Whoa, a cruel trick! You should have seen this one coming. Seriously.
ACT 7 :   Illogic as the PLot Demands
What the heck is that?! Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to see what it's laughing about.
ACT 8 :   You Done Goof'd!
He got away. Congratulations, consequences will never be the same.
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