The end begins / Analysis
By joedan90
08/13/2010 - 13:11:24
Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You are summoned to the bridge by the captain...seems there is trouble afoot....
You are summoned to the bridge by the captain...seems there is trouble afoot....
Win message:
To be continued... At the crucible!
To be continued... At the crucible!
ACT 1 : Fortitude
Since the destruction of 'Survivour' the fernican star-ship Fortitude has become the new head-ship
Since the destruction of 'Survivour' the fernican star-ship Fortitude has become the new head-ship
ACT 2 : Recruitment
Assemble Alpha Team...Circuit: Tech speacialist: Can see furtherImpact: Demolision expertBloodhunt: Assasin: x9 damage
Assemble Alpha Team...Circuit: Tech speacialist: Can see furtherImpact: Demolision expertBloodhunt: Assasin: x9 damage
ACT 3 : Final Transmission
Get to the launch bay, (don't worry if your troop don't follow, they're not going to accompany you
Get to the launch bay, (don't worry if your troop don't follow, they're not going to accompany you
ACT 4 : Alpha
Get into the dropship,
Get into the dropship,
ACT 5 : On our way...
Alpha Troop will have to split up, you'll meet up on the crucible
Alpha Troop will have to split up, you'll meet up on the crucible
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