Defend Coruscant! / Analysis

By BlackHeart1770
08/11/2010 - 23:00:44

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The Republic sent out an emergency signal, find out why. Also, keep your eyes out for a Bantha loose in Coruscant.
Win message:
Congratulations, the Emperor's hounds are no longer at Coruscant's throat!
Lose message:
The Sith have sacked Coruscant, overcome the Jedi, and burned the Jedi temple to the ground. And it's all your fault!!
ACT 1 :   Situation: Attacked!
Uh oh, here comes an angry senator. Wonder what he has to say...
ACT 2 :   Talk to Junk Dealer
Great, now some Toydarian is gonna rip me off...
ACT 3 :   Talk to Jedi Master
Better go talk to Master Khan, he's in charge of Coruscant's defense.
ACT 4 :   Hold your ground!
Defend Coruscant!
ACT 5 :   Finish them
They seem to be fewer, kill them!
ACT 6 :   Victory!!!!!
Victory! Talk to the Jedi Reinforcements.
ACT 7 :   The big finish!
Coruscant is safe once again from the Sith menace, but for how long?
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