The Eighth Wonder / Analysis

By butters92
08/11/2010 - 17:10:33

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You are Rouge Scar. Once, the Beast God of Faro Mondo Skull Island. Now an escaped prisoner. You must find somewehere safe to stay on this strange island.
Win message:
Captured again. You will be presented in so called civilization as Rouge Scar,
Lose message:
The Beast God is dead. Let all mourn his death.
ACT 1 :   Strange yet Familiar
You smell a strange yet familiar scent. But of what?
ACT 2 :   Canyon Monster
There is a threat in the canyon. Go and invetigate.
ACT 3 :   Something Familair
There is a scent that is all too familiar. But what?
ACT 4 :   A Call
What is that? A wounded cry of one of your own kinds? Investigate!
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