The Blockade part 2 / Analysis
By joedan90
08/04/2010 - 16:22:30
Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Get back to the hangar but quick! Something is approching fast!
Get back to the hangar but quick! Something is approching fast!
Win message:
Let's get outta here!
Let's get outta here!
ACT 1 : Quick escape
Get back the hanger!
Get back the hanger!
ACT 2 : Curse upon the fernican:
Toxin! How did they find us!
Toxin! How did they find us!
ACT 3 : Curse upon the fernican:
Toxin! How did they find us!
Toxin! How did they find us!
ACT 4 : The Bridge
ACT 5 :
ACT 6 :
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