Meaningless Stanley / Analysis
By D6o5r5a5
07/20/2010 - 01:45:56
Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Once upon a time, Stanley was lost. He was an insignificant life force and for some reason fell into deep despair. Please assist him, Captain!
Once upon a time, Stanley was lost. He was an insignificant life force and for some reason fell into deep despair. Please assist him, Captain!
Win message:
You've done it! May you live through many more Clark and Stanley adventures!
You've done it! May you live through many more Clark and Stanley adventures!
Lose message:
Aww, your quest has failed. Don't give up hope, Stanley still needs your help!
Aww, your quest has failed. Don't give up hope, Stanley still needs your help!
ACT 1 : Meaningless Stanley
Speak to Stanley and see if you can offer any help.
Speak to Stanley and see if you can offer any help.
ACT 2 : Wall Street
Speak to the Investment Banker to find if he has any advice for poor Stanley.
Speak to the Investment Banker to find if he has any advice for poor Stanley.
ACT 3 : Loan Applications
Escort the 3 Loan Applications to the Stanley so they can cheer him up.
Escort the 3 Loan Applications to the Stanley so they can cheer him up.
ACT 4 : California
Speak to the Personal Trainer and see if he has any words of wisdom.
Speak to the Personal Trainer and see if he has any words of wisdom.
ACT 5 : Essential Oils
Escort 3 Essential Oils to Stanley so they can, well, you know.
Escort 3 Essential Oils to Stanley so they can, well, you know.
ACT 6 : South Florida
Speak to Stanley's weird sister to find if she has any advice.
Speak to Stanley's weird sister to find if she has any advice.
ACT 7 : Clark Action Dolls
Escort 5 Clark Dolls to Stanley to pacify him.
Escort 5 Clark Dolls to Stanley to pacify him.
ACT 8 : The End
Stanley misplaced the key to happiness but speak with him again to learn any meaning at all.
Stanley misplaced the key to happiness but speak with him again to learn any meaning at all.
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