The Legend of Hot Dog / Analysis

By CapybaraBoy
07/18/2010 - 02:51:58

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Hot Dog is a myth to some. Though to others, Hot Dog is a true living legend.
Win message:
The Ribs have killed the legend the remaning 14 ribs will rebuild their Metropolis and End the world. You have failed you have Doomed the entire world there is NO hope now. Or so you think...
Lose message:
I guess some legends are just legends.
ACT 1 :   Hot Dog's Coming
To the island of Tofu you must go. To end this war is to go to the losing side. Ask the Tofu Citizens about the starting of this war, could it have been a rivalry?
ACT 2 :   The Seasoning World
You're in the Seasoning World a mysterious force is calling out to you trying to tell you something.
ACT 3 :   The Stress Signal
You Have reached the capital But there ships are taking off. They are headed strait for Tofu Island. One more Blow to Tofu island and the war will End and the Ribs will have complete Dominance
ACT 4 :   Attack of the Ships
It's... well if you've been following along with the story i'm pretty sure you'll know what happens.
ACT 5 :   Getting in
Bust open the door and End the Rib's Tyranty.
ACT 6 :   The Ribs
This Is It The reason you were born, an adventure like no other.
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