Raid Against the Downraters / Analysis

By PKGamer1
07/17/2010 - 06:02:12

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
And...THERE! The Spore Community has broken through the Downrater's Final Defense! Go, destroy their Lair of Downrate!
Win message:
We did it! We took down the castle! The war is over!! ...But, will Downraters ever give in?
Lose message:
The war is over, the community has lost. The Downraters live on to terrorize Spore Users...
ACT 1 :   The Final Assault!
This is it! They've broken through the Downrater's Final Defense to the Castle! Pick up the C4 and head to the castle!!
ACT 2 :   Alternate Route
Darn! They blew up the bridge to the castle!! Wait, our intel is saying that there is an Alternate Route! Go! Now!
ACT 3 :   Knock it Down!
No bridge huh? Well, this Watchtower is conviently put here so...let's knock it down! Don't use the C4 though!
ACT 4 :   Go go go!!

ACT 5 :   RUN!!
Drop the C4 and RUN AWAY!! Go on the Stone Bridge if you wanna see the explosion!
ACT 6 :   We did it!!
The war is finally over...
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