Apocolypes Now / Analysis

By jeff995x
07/14/2010 - 09:39:28

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to vietnam soldier no time for briefing now talk to winters.
Win message:
I love the Smell of Nepalm in the Morning.
Lose message:
You will pay for your incompetence
ACT 1 :   Droppin In
Talk To Cernel Winters
ACT 2 :   Wing Men
Talk to Winters Again
ACT 3 :   

ACT 4 :   You Have Been Hit
Make You way out of the rubble to a safe place in the trees!
ACT 5 :   Make your way into the forest
Kill off the viet cong resistance in the area
ACT 6 :   Advance
Advance through the trees to our armys frontline bunker
ACT 7 :   Move to Bunker 4
This is our farthest advance point in the forest go see if there are still soilders there
ACT 8 :   Srgt. Melarky
Talk to Melarky he has a plan Do goals in order
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