Shadow Exile / Analysis

By PokeMaster349
07/08/2010 - 18:34:30

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You will now learn a bit about Daharrk Vuoid's first few days as an exile. Tell me what you think of the story.
Win message:
Being an exile is not so bad, Well, except for the fact that you're being hunted.
Lose message:
Hmm....being an exile is harder than you thought, isn't it?
ACT 1 :   Daharrk Vuoid
Meet Daharrk Vuoid, a victim of his own beliefs.
ACT 2 :   The portal
Not a good idea to place the portal to the Shadow realm not that far from the place where you're stationed. Oh well.
ACT 3 :   meat and fruit
Time to get some food!
ACT 4 :   Shadow Cross
Shadow Cross as been your best friend since childhood. Wonder what he's doing here?
ACT 5 :   loneliness
.........alone again.
ACT 6 :   Trapped!!!
What the!? A trap!? I didn't do anything!!!
ACT 7 :   RUN!!!
Run!!! Shadow Cross said he was going for a walk a little ways from here!!! I've got to get to him!
ACT 8 :   Together again
Exileship can be harsh. As you just noticed a little while ago.
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