Volcanic Ride / Analysis

By DoveTurtle
06/29/2010 - 02:00:44

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1.15 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Break out of jail, but watch out for gaurds, the dreaded Lava Dragons, and of course, the lava!
Win message:
You broke out of a Syne security prison! Go send your chief a thank-you card for his help!
Lose message:
You failed. Maybe try a different approach, or different captain.
ACT 1 :   Prison Break
Hey! This is your chief captain at headquarters. My systems indicate that the guard on patrol has a key. I'm sending a scout in a minute to take care of him for ya. You owe me one!
ACT 2 :   Transport Ride
Now flee to the transport pad.Watch out for guards...
ACT 3 :   Transport
Now, the alarm has been raised. System intelligence tells me that the hover pads are extremely weak. Aim for those if confronted!
ACT 4 :   Final Stretch...
There's an empty Syne ship to the North -- Beam into it as soon as you reach it!
ACT 5 :   Beaming up?
What's taking so long?! Is the ship using Dial-up? Just wait until it finishes loading. Oh, you might want to hide.
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