Basic info
Intro message:
You allied with the Kroskrok empire to fight against the Knackor-Alliance. Talk with the Leader to get your mission.
You allied with the Kroskrok empire to fight against the Knackor-Alliance. Talk with the Leader to get your mission.
Win message:
You will never know why they were fighting, but you win anyway!
You will never know why they were fighting, but you win anyway!
Lose message:
You failed...
You failed...
ACT 1 : The Kroskrok-Knackor-Conflict
Talk with the leader to get into the action.
Talk with the leader to get into the action.
ACT 2 : Warpgate secured!
"'Can you here me? It's me, the Kroskrok-Leader! Follow the road to get to the Knackor-Karrier. We heard that it will launch a missile in 3 minutes to wipe us out. You must destroy it!
"'Can you here me? It's me, the Kroskrok-Leader! Follow the road to get to the Knackor-Karrier. We heard that it will launch a missile in 3 minutes to wipe us out. You must destroy it!
ACT 3 : Knackor-Karrier destroyed!
"'Great job! Up ahead is an UFO-Landing Pad inbetween many warpgates! You need to take out all of the enemies there and light the fire!"'
"'Great job! Up ahead is an UFO-Landing Pad inbetween many warpgates! You need to take out all of the enemies there and light the fire!"'
ACT 4 : Defend the Point!
"'It will take quite some time till the UFO arrives. Defend the signal with your life!"'
"'It will take quite some time till the UFO arrives. Defend the signal with your life!"'
ACT 6 : Reinforcement has arrived!
"'Yes! You did it! Talk with the commander while reinforcements will beam down!"'
"'Yes! You did it! Talk with the commander while reinforcements will beam down!"'
ACT 7 : Sneak inside the camp!
"'You maybe need to talk with a Knackor to find a way inside."'
"'You maybe need to talk with a Knackor to find a way inside."'
ACT 8 : Now is the time to strike!
"'We need to eliminate every Knackor! FORWARD!"'
"'We need to eliminate every Knackor! FORWARD!"'
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