Spore Warriors / Analysis

By Nachelf
06/28/2010 - 14:59:48

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You allied with the Kroskrok empire to fight against the Knackor-Alliance. Talk with the Leader to get your mission.
Win message:
You will never know why they were fighting, but you win anyway!
Lose message:
You failed...
ACT 1 :   The Kroskrok-Knackor-Conflict
Talk with the leader to get into the action.
ACT 2 :   Warpgate secured!
"'Can you here me? It's me, the Kroskrok-Leader! Follow the road to get to the Knackor-Karrier. We heard that it will launch a missile in 3 minutes to wipe us out. You must destroy it!
ACT 3 :   Knackor-Karrier destroyed!
"'Great job! Up ahead is an UFO-Landing Pad inbetween many warpgates! You need to take out all of the enemies there and light the fire!"'
ACT 4 :   Defend the Point!
"'It will take quite some time till the UFO arrives. Defend the signal with your life!"'
ACT 6 :   Reinforcement has arrived!
"'Yes! You did it! Talk with the commander while reinforcements will beam down!"'
ACT 7 :   Sneak inside the camp!
"'You maybe need to talk with a Knackor to find a way inside."'
ACT 8 :   Now is the time to strike!
"'We need to eliminate every Knackor! FORWARD!"'
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