Aquatic Stage / Analysis

By Rebecca1208
06/23/2010 - 01:24:14

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 1.71 (Not rated)

Basic info
ACT 1 :   Exlore Your World
Emerging from the tide pool, you find an underwater world full of life to explore! Beware of land, though.
ACT 2 :   Find Your Food
Search around for any food. You will need it to survive!
ACT 3 :   Friend or Foe?
Interact with life around you! Careful who you attack or befriend, it could cause problems later.
ACT 4 :   Making a Home
Mark your territory by claiming a spot.
ACT 5 :   Dominating Your Land
Time to climb to the top of the food chain!
ACT 6 :   Explore Higher Lands
Get to know your home, to avoid any unwanted surprises.
ACT 7 :   Out of Water!
It looks like there's a whole new world up here! This must be worth exploring, but with your gills, you can't stay out too long.
ACT 8 :   There's Always Bigger Fish
Well, looks like you've done enough adapting and exploring today. Find a mate, and let the next generation take control.
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