The Dead Walk / Analysis

By raniac1
06/12/2010 - 08:19:03

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have beemed down in response to a plead for anyone to help in an evacuation. But on your arrival you see not one living being.
Win message:
You seek shelter in the bunker, you will proceed along the road tommorow.
Lose message:
You fall to the ground, You cant feel your legs, and you will most likely eventually be eaten alive.
ACT 1 :   Information
It would be foolish to charge into any situation without proper knowledge, check out the nearby computers, maybe they may be able to tell you whats going on.
ACT 2 :   Z Day
Look at whatever you want and proceed, it probably wont be good to stay in one area for long. Highway or forest, Your choice.
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