The point of No Return / Analysis

By smallos
05/11/2010 - 06:23:38

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.09 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
your ship has been pulled onto this planet by an unknown force and you are about to crash!
Win message:
good work you got off this evil planet!
Lose message:
too bad now you will remauin here FOREVER!try again
ACT 1 :   Crash
Your ship is crashing onto a planet!
ACT 2 :   Empty
Explore this barren planet
ACT 3 :   RUN
Hurry get back into that crashed ship!
ACT 4 :   Computer
look at what the computer has been doing perhaps it will give a clue.
ACT 5 :   Crash
Find the crashed ship then put it in the computer for analasis
ACT 6 :   Data
look to see the results
ACT 7 :   Crystal
Good now that you have the crystal whatever force was stopping the transmitter will be powerless.
ACT 8 :   final hour
Whatever it is that is on this planet it doesnt want you to leave, hurry get to the communicator!
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