Taco Terror! / Analysis
By John J.
05/11/2010 - 04:08:51
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.19 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Dry Desert, home of Spore's favorite fast food restauraunt, El Taco!
Welcome to Dry Desert, home of Spore's favorite fast food restauraunt, El Taco!
Win message:
Success! The tacos are defeated, the Restauraunt is saved, and you have decided never to go near a taco again!
Success! The tacos are defeated, the Restauraunt is saved, and you have decided never to go near a taco again!
Lose message:
You and the chef army were not able to stop the tacos. They soon burned El taco to the ground with it's own french fry oil...
You and the chef army were not able to stop the tacos. They soon burned El taco to the ground with it's own french fry oil...
ACT 1 : That's A Lot of Traffic!
Whoa! Taco Terror? You mean Traffic Terror! El Taco must be real popular!
Whoa! Taco Terror? You mean Traffic Terror! El Taco must be real popular!
ACT 2 : Something Is Definately Wrong...
Well, you should probably talk to the manager and ask him what's going on.
Well, you should probably talk to the manager and ask him what's going on.
ACT 3 : Attack of the Tacos!
The tacos are attacking the restauraunt! Defend the manager and employees!
The tacos are attacking the restauraunt! Defend the manager and employees!
ACT 4 : Attack of the Tacos!
The tacos are attacking the restauraunt! Defend the manager and employees!
The tacos are attacking the restauraunt! Defend the manager and employees!
ACT 5 : Tacos? With Legs?
Wow! They really are mutated! You should probably see if Mando is alright.
Wow! They really are mutated! You should probably see if Mando is alright.
ACT 6 : Taco Wars!
Go through the teleporter and talk to the head chef / field commander for a full briefing.
Go through the teleporter and talk to the head chef / field commander for a full briefing.
ACT 7 : Taco Toasting Time!
It's time to get rid of this greasy threat once and for all! Looks like tacos are back on the menu!
It's time to get rid of this greasy threat once and for all! Looks like tacos are back on the menu!
ACT 8 : Now For The Bean Covered Glory!
Victory is ours! Go and tell Mando the good news!
Victory is ours! Go and tell Mando the good news!
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