Taco Terror! / Analysis

By John J.
05/11/2010 - 04:08:51

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.19 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Dry Desert, home of Spore's favorite fast food restauraunt, El Taco!
Win message:
Success! The tacos are defeated, the Restauraunt is saved, and you have decided never to go near a taco again!
Lose message:
You and the chef army were not able to stop the tacos. They soon burned El taco to the ground with it's own french fry oil...
ACT 1 :   That's A Lot of Traffic!
Whoa! Taco Terror? You mean Traffic Terror! El Taco must be real popular!
ACT 2 :   Something Is Definately Wrong...
Well, you should probably talk to the manager and ask him what's going on.
ACT 3 :   Attack of the Tacos!
The tacos are attacking the restauraunt! Defend the manager and employees!
ACT 4 :   Attack of the Tacos!
The tacos are attacking the restauraunt! Defend the manager and employees!
ACT 5 :   Tacos? With Legs?
Wow! They really are mutated! You should probably see if Mando is alright.
ACT 6 :   Taco Wars!
Go through the teleporter and talk to the head chef / field commander for a full briefing.
ACT 7 :   Taco Toasting Time!
It's time to get rid of this greasy threat once and for all! Looks like tacos are back on the menu!
ACT 8 :   Now For The Bean Covered Glory!
Victory is ours! Go and tell Mando the good news!
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