battle of cainar 8 (part 2) / Analysis
By Nimat
05/03/2010 - 21:33:37
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.45 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
while aproaching cainar 8 you spoted some enemy ships. you found the main city besieged and helped repell the atackers. you just woke up at dawn the next day.
while aproaching cainar 8 you spoted some enemy ships. you found the main city besieged and helped repell the atackers. you just woke up at dawn the next day.
Win message:
great job. you rebuilt and held the wall, and you restocked the suplies.thanks for playing.
great job. you rebuilt and held the wall, and you restocked the suplies.thanks for playing.
Lose message:
Without you how is the town supposed to rebuildand hold the wall. Not to mention the fact that there are no more materials to rebuild the wall. thanks for playing though.
Without you how is the town supposed to rebuildand hold the wall. Not to mention the fact that there are no more materials to rebuild the wall. thanks for playing though.
ACT 1 : rebuild
go talk to bedrevin. then go help rebuild the wall. there are two storys to the wall. after you use all the rubble the second drill sargent will talk to you.
go talk to bedrevin. then go help rebuild the wall. there are two storys to the wall. after you use all the rubble the second drill sargent will talk to you.
ACT 2 : resuply
go talk to comander halbador
go talk to comander halbador
ACT 3 : heavy lifting
ACT 4 : finishing the chores
ACT 5 : yet more chores
ACT 6 :
something is coming
something is coming
ACT 7 : defence
ACT 8 : finaly some rest
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