Call to Arms I (V3) / Analysis

By Garett20
04/26/2010 - 11:52:35

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome aboard the Resolved, a Rakatan Military ship. You should probably wait out the fight here.
Win message:
WHY ARE YOU DANCING!!! You're beaming off a doomed ship on to an inhospittable moon and you're dancing!!! Of all the captains why get stuck with this guy...
Lose message:
Now hop in to your time travel machine and take it from the top shall we?
ACT 1 :   Welcome Aboard!!
What! That mechanic wants you to come and speak with him!!!
ACT 2 :   Boarders... Without permission!!
You need to get down and help out!! Even more dronox could arrive soon!
ACT 3 :   New Arrivals
Well, looks like the last of them. But wait, who's this?
ACT 4 :   Escort Duty
Okay, better get them to the bridge... Yes of course in one piece!!!(they will meet you in the hallway)
ACT 5 :   Something wrong?
Hey... whats going on...
ACT 6 :   Mixed emotions
Looks like there are mixed emiotions all around, better ask Eris how he's feeling
Wait, looks like something's wrong...
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